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 Post subject: Many emails over years, no reply. Firmware?
PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 8:55 pm 

Joined: Wed Apr 06, 2016 6:43 pm
Posts: 22
Do I need to buy new carts just to have the recent firmware? I've emailed, even from different stresses on different domains in case it was going to spam. I've gotten updates via email before, but nothing in a couple years now, no replies at all.

I need to update the 5200 and Coleco carts. Is ordering new ones the only way now?

 Post subject: Re: Many emails over years, no reply. Firmware?
PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2021 2:57 am 
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Surely not. No idea what is going wrong.

I have uploaded a coleco firmware some time ago.
From a friends cartridge

I can do my 5200, but that is old (many years) already.

You can phone or contact steve, or drop a message on facebook.

I only check the other forums for updates and mainly manage the MyIDE section.

 Post subject: Re: Many emails over years, no reply. Firmware?
PostPosted: Tue Dec 21, 2021 8:51 am 
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Hi, I e-mailed you information on firmware for this item. If you did not get my reply please try e-mailing and I will reply from there.



 Post subject: Re: Many emails over years, no reply. Firmware?
PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2022 10:36 pm 

Joined: Wed Apr 06, 2016 6:43 pm
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classics wrote:
Hi, I e-mailed you information on firmware for this item. If you did not get my reply please try e-mailing and I will reply from there.



Steve, just saw this post, life took me away for a bit. I checked and definitely don't have any emails containing 'atarimax', your name, or your email address since an update you sent me in 2019. I'll try emailing the above address like you suggested. I checked my yahoo and both gmail accounts that I use, as I think I tried different ones in case one was going to spam. I'm gonna try from my Yahoo to start with! Oddly, I got a notification email for the other reply above but not yours as well.

 Post subject: Re: Many emails over years, no reply. Firmware?
PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 3:59 am 

Joined: Wed Apr 06, 2016 6:43 pm
Posts: 22
Still no replies from Steve about firmware any email address I've tried - I'm really thinking that buying new ones is going to be the only way to get updated firmware.
I've been trying for years now, checking spam, from 3 different email addresses - yahoo, gmail, and my comany work email. I've waited a few months between attempts to avoid being annoying, but I'm about ready to throw in the towel on getting in touch here. I haven't deleted any emails and searching my inbox shows nothing has come to any of the three. I've also emailed both the ipad address and the main one from all 3.

Steve, if there is another way I could get in touch with you (twitter, facebook, etc.) outside of email, please let me know, as email hasn't worked out, and I haven't missed emails from anyone else on these inboxes - at worst they go to spam. I really appreciate you making these available and releasing updates, but after this long, if I don't figure it out soon, I'll just buy new ones to get the updated firmware, though I feel like something is wrong with the communication here, and we can probably sort it out. I don't mean to come across as angry or anything, I'm thankful these exist, just very confused and wanting to use your updates on my carts!

 Post subject: Re: Many emails over years, no reply. Firmware?
PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2022 1:48 am 
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 Post subject: Re: Many emails over years, no reply. Firmware?
PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2022 3:57 am 

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Posts: 22
mr-atari wrote:

Thanks, I'll have to give it a try. I haven't had a FB account for years. I'll see if my partner can reach out about our carts from theirs. I usually handle all the upkeep etc., they just play em! I'll report back if I have any luck (or a long time without!).

 Post subject: Re: Many emails over years, no reply. Firmware?
PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2022 3:57 am 
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You need to be (very) patience.
Steve is a very busy guy, working in hospital and often away.
Even I (MyIDE inventor and moderator) have to wait for his reply.
I know that it works like this, so I don't mind, but for customers/service, I agree this is a bit of a pita....
Remember that he still does this out of love for the Atari systems.


 Post subject: Re: Many emails over years, no reply. Firmware?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2023 8:29 pm 

Joined: Wed Apr 06, 2016 6:43 pm
Posts: 22
Still nothing after several more tries, spaced out and from different emails just in case one was going to spam. I'm gonna try one more time, then I guess it is new carts and $200+ to get new firmware for both.

 Post subject: Re: Many emails over years, no reply. Firmware?
PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2023 1:45 am 
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Did you try to contact Steve on Facebook? That could also be an option.

 Post subject: Re: Many emails over years, no reply. Firmware?
PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2023 2:52 am 

Joined: Wed Apr 06, 2016 6:43 pm
Posts: 22
mr-atari wrote:
Did you try to contact Steve on Facebook? That could also be an option.

I left Facebook years ago. Even if I wanted to login, my account is stuck in some state where they want my ID (which I don't want to give them anyway) to prove I'm a name that wasn't my real name. It honestly did me good personally to be away from it, so I haven't tried too hard to log back in. I'd really hope an email to the store's contact email would get attention more than a facebook message anyway.

 Post subject: Re: Many emails over years, no reply. Firmware?
PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2023 12:42 pm 
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I drop him a pm on Facebook for you.

 Post subject: Re: Many emails over years, no reply. Firmware?
PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2023 8:32 pm 

Joined: Wed Apr 06, 2016 6:43 pm
Posts: 22
mr-atari wrote:
I drop him a pm on Facebook for you.

Thanks, I have my full info for the carts ready at any time (figure I shouldn't post it publicly as the FW seems to be cart-specific, hence the need for contact).
I would really appreciate that. I asked a friend with FB to do that over a year ago and remind them every month or so, or more in some cases, and it is always "oh yeah I'll be sure to do that tonight, I keep forgetting" and it hasn't happened yet lol.

I had new carts in my shopping cart, and don't really have the spare $ but these are very key to my hardware collection, and I like stuff being up to date and as compatible as possible. I decided to give it another week or so before taking the hit on the wallet for new FW. As you can see, I started this thread in 2021, and had already been trying for a while then. I just searched my email inboxes (I tried from Yahoo, Gmail,, and my company work email). I also tried the alternate email he gave above from a couple of them. While there are many 'sent' to atarimax, the last time I head from Steve was December 2019 where he provided new ColecoVision firmware and said there would be new 5200 FW soon and he'd email me when it was out. I'm not sure about his message saying it was provided above, as I haven't found anything, and have seen him post that same response to a couple other people, like it may be a macro.

Like I mentioned, I've not hammered him, and spaced attempts out typically by a month or more. I know he has a busy life, and I'm not even mad at him, just confused as others don't seem to have this problem, and I've done nothing but ask for FW so I don't think I've offended him or anything lol. I know you gotta be patient, but 2019 to present I think counts, so I'm about to give up and get new carts, but then I'm worried about future updates for those...

I appreciate you reaching out, let me know what you hear, if anything, and I can pass along my cart details.

 Post subject: Re: Many emails over years, no reply. Firmware?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2023 1:21 am 

Joined: Wed Apr 06, 2016 6:43 pm
Posts: 22
mr-atari wrote:
I drop him a pm on Facebook for you.

That worked, thanks a ton! Got my updates from him.

 Post subject: Re: Many emails over years, no reply. Firmware?
PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 10:39 am 

Joined: Wed Apr 06, 2016 6:43 pm
Posts: 22
mr-atari wrote:
I drop him a pm on Facebook for you.

Hey, if you're still watching this thread, you're the only person to help me out so far. How did you reach him on FB? He accepted my friend request a few days ago but hasn't responded to a private message. I'm not too up on how FB works and what people see best nowadays.
While I did get my firmwares (still need to try them, unpacking), I did order a Maxflash programmer and several adapters 3 weeks ago, and aside from the instant order confirmation, haven't heard anything. Do you know what normal shipping times are? I didn't see any notice about delayed shipping or assembly time needed, everything appeared to be in stock. Now I don't mind waiting on this stuff, I just like to know it is being worked on and didn't slip through the cracks. I order from a lot of even smaller stores than this, but usually there's an estimated wait time listed, or an email gets you one quickly. Just worried my order was lost like my emails lol. I also replied to the email he sent the firmware in but haven't heard back there. Maybe I will eventually. I know he's busy and I'm never mad, just like to know what to expect (and to get updates for my products). There's another thread where someone was asking about shipping time on a maxflash and got no replies from Steve, but finally got a shipping notice after almost 2 weeks, but now it's been 3, I'm starting to worry. Not that Steve wouldn't be honest or anything but that like several peoples emails, that it may have fallen through the cracks. It did take my money and send me a confirmation though.

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