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 Post subject: Dumping 5200 w/MaxFlash
PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 9:15 pm 

Joined: Wed Apr 06, 2016 6:43 pm
Posts: 22
I've been using the Maxflash for 2600 and Intellivision, and it typically just spits out a rom of the right size, ready to go in any emulator, with hashes matching what you see online.
I just tried out 5200, and I'm just wondering if this is normal.
Every game dumps to 32kb.
I've done two so far. One 8kb game just required me to remove a lot of FF FF to get a ROM matching what's known.
The other, a 16kb game, required me to split it into four 8kb files, then combine files 1 and 3 (or 2 and 4 as they are copies of 1 and 3), to get a matching ROM.
It seems the solution (if carts beyond the 2 I've tried don't toss me something new) is to split into 8kb chunks, discard any that are all FF, then combine the remaining odd or even chunks, to get the proper file.
Any easier approach for 5200?

Editing a bit later - I will say I have gotten the hang of assembling the roms from the dumps pretty quickly, it's just the only dumper I've run into that does it this way. Wanted to be sure I didn't enable some option I didn't mean to.

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