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 Post subject: loading some demos from internet for atari 800XL using 1050
PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 3:54 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 26, 2016 3:42 pm
Posts: 1
I am new to my atari 800xl that I just picked up yesterday. but I got it running some games and programs that came with it. I googled a few things. And figured it out. Its a neat old system that looks brand new. Whomever owned it took extremely good care of it. So it also came with a 1050 drive.

Now I have found some demos on this website ... i800/demos
I would like to get some of those demos running on the atari 800XL. But how?
I quickly found out that the floppy disks I use in DOS or Windows are not compatible with the 800xl, and vice versa. Which lead me to this website and the SIO2PC product.

But I am not sure how to get files from a Windows PC to a diskette on the 1050 floppy drive for the Atari 800XL?

PS I know how to use DOS computers, etc. Just not much about the 800XL. Except what I learned last night, enough to get some games and programs running just fine.
I have an older Windows ME/XP computer with a 5 1/4 drive that I know is working, and it also has USB on it.

So, does the SIO2PC (USB version) allow me to do something like this?
1. Hook up the 1050 drive to the SIO2PC device (I have an extra SIO cable I can use for that, it came with the computer)
2. And then hookup the USB side to the Windows ME/XP computer.
3. Install the ProSystem software and make sure it can "see" the 1050 diskette drive attached to it
4. Download programs from the website mentioned above, and use ProSystem to just copy them over to the 1050 floppy disk
5. Power down the systems.
6. Connect the 1050 drive back to the Atari 800XL, power it up.
7. Run the program/demo that I copied in step 4, on the 800XL after booting up DOS, etc...on the Atari 800XL

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